Mumtaz Rashid Siddiqi

Why It is Important to Teach Traffic Rules to the Children!

Road Accidents are one of the major causes of death and lifelong disability among the school children. They are the most vulnerable road users: being pedestrian, passengers of different vehicles, cyclists and many times they are found using roads as a playing area. Their vulnerability to road accidents is based on two major points: their

Why It is Important to Teach Traffic Rules to the Children! Read More »

Role of Parents and Society in Teaching Road Safety Through Practice

Children are the most precious asset of any nation. It is very important to ensure their safety everywhere. Being young and unpredictable they are more vulnerable to road accidents. It has been found that many accidents and crashes happened because of the children roaming, playing or cycling alone on the roads. Therefore, teaching road safety

Role of Parents and Society in Teaching Road Safety Through Practice Read More »

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